Author interview: Ross Greenwood

I just reviewed Ross Greenwood's newest book The Santa Killer, the final in the series about DI Barton! All of his social media links and link to purchase his books can be found at the end of the interview. He is a soon-to-be fifty year old author from Peterborough. He's married with two kids at junior school, who don't give him much writing peace. (a joke from him😂) He has however managed to write 12 books in seven years! And he's just starting a new detective series set in the seaside town of Cromer, where he dreams of going to write for months on end with his Labrador, Frankie.
How did you get started with writing books?
I just had an idea, bubbling away about four young lads, and one day picked up a pen and began it. I wrote 50 pages and put it away in a drawer for 4 years, before deciding I will finish it! I was going to stop but the first in the DI Barton book sold 50,000 in its first year, so I carried on!

Would you and your main character get along? And why or why not?
I hope so, because there's a lot of me in DI Barton.

If your book were made into a movie, which actors would play your characters?
The Rock in the US version could play John Barton. It'd have to be a retired rugby player over here!

What is your favorite childhood book?
Treasure Island.

What is the most difficult part of your artistic process?
I don't like editing. I find it boring and hard to concentrate after the second time of reading, and there's still a long way to go at that point.

What was the best money you ever spent as a writer?
Good question! Prowriting Aid did a lifetime offer for their service at $100 and I've used it absolutely loads.

What other books have you had published?
There are 6 books in the detective series, and then 6 books all with a prison theme. I randomly took a job as a prison officer when I was 37, and did four years. Got some great material 🙂

How do you celebrate when you finish your book?
I go to the gym, and have a nice salad. Oh, no, drunk usually. Possibly a chinese takeaway.

Do you have a go-to first reader when you feel your manuscript is finished?
Yes, I have a few. I like to get lots of people to read them. Each person always has something to add, even if its just praise.

Do you have a message for your readers?
Yes, I love to hear from readers on social media. All advice/typos/feedback is gratefully received. Compliments more so.

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Thank you for this great interview, it's been great getting to know you!
