Jenifer Goldin Interview

When Jenifer contacted me to read her book I jumped at the chance and thouroughly enjoyed it. You can read my review here and that made me eager to interview her, Read that below.
When did you first call yourself a writer?
I’ve always enjoyed writing. I completed my first book about five years ago but did not call myself a writer until the publication of Anonymous Mom Posts.

Which of the characters do you relate to the most and why?
Hmm. This is a really hard question! There are aspects of several characters I relate to. I worked in the field of Cochlear Implants as an audiologist so that connects me to Laura. I’m Jewish like Julie. I love to do the Peloton like Isabell (but I don’t cheat!). I am the world’s biggest Yacht Rock fan like Maggie.

What inspired the idea for your book?
I’m in many mom Facebook groups. I often see anonymous posts. I am a highly empathetic person and found myself wondering what led each mom to post and what the outcome of their delicate situation was. My curiosity became the foundation for my book. I got to make up my own posts and the stories that went with them.

If your book were made into a movie, which actors would play your characters?
Laura- Reese Witherspoon
Julie- Lisa Kudrow
Isabell Whitmore- Nicole Kidman
Maggie O’Donnell- Courtney Cox
Indira Acharya- Mindy Kaling
Gabriella Martinez- Eva Longoria

If you didn’t write, what would you do for work?
I really enjoyed being a pediatric audiologist but if I could do something else I would be a college professor. I love the world of academia!

If you could spend a day with another popular author, whom would you choose?
There are sooooo many authors I love. I just saw Rebecca Serle and she is fabulous. If I had to narrow it down, I would choose authors of non-fiction titles that have carried me through challenges and transitions in my life. Glennon Doyle, Brene Brown, and Elizabeth Gilbert.

How do you celebrate when you finish your book?
Tears! But ask any author… the book never feels done. I could edit and rewrite from now until forever.

What is your favorite childhood book?
The first series that captivated me was Flowers in the Attic. I could not put those books down.

What is the most difficult part of your artistic process?
Editing out lines, phrases, and scenes I love that slow down the story. I have so much great backstory on each of the characters in Anonymous Mom Posts that I ended up cutting. It was hard to do but once I hit delete and re-read the story, I knew I made the right choice for keeping up the pace of the novel.

Do you have a message for your readers?
Every person on the planet should read Elizabeth Gilbert’s book Big Magic. This book inspired me to sit down and write despite the fears that held me back. Her book “offers insights into the mysterious nature of inspiration, and asks us to embrace our curiosity. Whether looking to write a book, make art, find new ways to address challenges in work, embark on a dream long deferred, or simply infuse our everyday lives with more mindfulness and passion, Big Magic cracks open a world of wonder and joy.”

Anonymous Mom Posts is dedicated to my children Anna and Micah. You don't know where you'll land until you fly. (Because I'm obsessed with Harry Styles), and to my husband Jonathan.

Upcoming Work
My next book, Moms Who Read Romance Novels, will be released in the next few months. A sneak peek is included at the end of Anonymous Mom Posts. The first draft of my third book, also in the genre of "momming" is complete. I'm currently working on edits.

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Thank you for this lovely interview, I have really enjoyed getting to know you and I'm excited for your next book!
