July reading wrap up

July was a pretty great reading month for me, I was in a bit of a reading slump for a while but I have hit my stride again. Finally! I read 12 books! I had four 5 star books, six 4 star, one 3 star and one 1 star. Most of them were ebook ARC copies from Netgalley, which I only joined now in July and I'm so glad I did. As the ebooks reach their publication dates I'll be doing proper reviews. but here's my books.
Reading is my escape, my happy place when things feel overwhelming, the more I read the more life is getting to me. I'm not a winter person and everything is exaggerated during winter. This morning we had our first frost of the season, so sadly winter is far from over. So I predict another great reading month ahead. Look out for the reviews of the above books as they are published :). I have plenty more ARC reads coming and I'm loving it!
