Author Interview: Lisa Hobman

Today I'm interviewing Lisa Hobman, author of Together under a snowy Skye which is one of my top 5 Christmas books ever! I reviewed it here. Lisa has been married for almost 29 years to her husband Rich and they have one twenty year old daughter and two dogs calle Wilf and Ruby. Lisa lives in Scotland but is originally from Yorkshire in England. She is a Bestselling Romance Author and was Shortlisted in The RoNAs 2014! She is currently at the start of a new book series for her publisher Boldwood Books so watch this space for more!
How did you get started with writing books?
I had always wanted to write from a very young age but never seemed to find the time. When we relocated to Scotland in 2012 I talked an idea through with my husband and he suggested I should just go for it. I had no intention of anyone else reading what I had written until my friends found out I was writing a book and they asked to read it. I was filled with trepidation but when I got their feedback they suggested that others might want to read it too, so I started submitting to publishers. No one was as shocked as me when I was offered a contract by a wonderful USA publisher called 5 Prince Publishing. I will always be grateful to Bernadette and the team there for giving my first chance!

Are any scenes in the books based on real life events?
I don't directly write scenes from my own life but the books usually tend to take place in locations I have visited and have first hand experience of. The exception is Under an Italian Sky. I have never been to Italy but hope to one day!

If your book were made into a movie, which actors would play your characters?
I always said that I would love Gerard Butler or James McAvoy to star in movies made from my books. It would be a dream come true!

What is your favorite childhood book?
I have to mention two here! Two books that influenced me as a child/teen were Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte and The Catcher in the Rye by J D Salinger. I loved the passion of obsession that came with Wuthering Heights, and Heathcliff was my first, if unlikely, book crush. He is a terrifying character with a very dark side but the ability to love so deeply and completely. Whereas The Catcher in the Rye spoke to my teenage angst and I loved the rebellious nature of the male protagonist Holden Caulfield.

What other books have you had published?
I have many books published up to now! I think it's around sixteen. I have a few self published titles and some published by Aria Fiction but my latest ones are published by Boldwood Books. With Boldwood I have: Dreaming Under an Island Skye, Under an Italian Sky, Wishing Under a Starlit Skye, Starting Over at Sunset Cottage and then Together Under a Snowy Skye.

How do you celebrate when you finish your book?
A nice big glass of wine! It's always a relief to type The End! While I absolutely love writing a book, finally knowing it's ready to send to my editor is a wonderful feeling.

What comes first for you — the plot or the characters — and why?
This varies for me. I usually decide on a location first. This can be just after or during a trip to somewhere that I find inspirational. Although I have been known to create a character in my mind and then find a scenario to slot them into!

How long on average does it take you to write a book?
Again this varies. It used to be a fairly rapid process of a few months, however, last year a friend and I bought a bookshop, so now my life is quite literally full of books! This means I don't have quite so much spare time to write and I have to schedule writing time in to make sure I get things done.

Which of the characters do you relate to the most and why?
The character out of all my books that I relate to the most would have to be Mallory from my very first book. It was originally called Bridge Over the Atlantic but was republished by Aria Fiction as A Seaside Escape. Malory is a curvy Yorkshire lass who relocates to Scotland and starts a craft business. This is exactly what I did when we relocated but the writing soon took over!

Do you have a message for your readers?
I simply hope that my readers enjoy escaping to somewhere new with my stories. And that they enjoy meeting the figments of my imagination as much as I enjoy writing them!

Find her books here on Amazon

Thank you so much for this lovely interview, it's been great getting to know you and I am looking forward to seeing what comes next!
