Author Interview: Sharon M Peterson

On the 1 August 2022 debut author Sharon M Peterson's book was published! And today 15th August is her birthday so I thought it was fitting to post the awesome interview with her. Sharon lives in Washington with her husband,four kids, 2 dogs and a cat. And great news a new book is in the works! You can find my review of The Do Over here. Now onto the interview.
When did you first call yourself a writer? 
It took me a long time to call myself a writer. I wrote in secret for a number of years before I promised myself I would write an entire novel. It was then I started telling people. It helped keep me accountable, too.

Which of the characters do you relate to the most and why?
Perci, the main character in The Do-Over, is certainly a character I relate to. I too have struggled with my self-confidence and my weight and family relationships, which are complicated on a good day. But, let’s be honest, I want to be Mimi when I grow up.

What inspired the idea for your book?
One day, I made a joke to a friend about how we needed to make New Year’s resolutions we could actually manage to keep. That idea got stuck in my head. From there, Perci came to me in pieces. I imagined a person who desperately needed to make changes to her life and how that could tie in with the idea of anti resolutions.

If your book were made into a movie, which actors would play your characters? 
The question always stumps me. I know a lot of writers can answer this question immediately but for some reason, my characters are always slightly blurry in my head. I know what they look like but also not, at the same time. I’m not sure if that makes sense. But here are some ideas I had but I’m always open to suggestions: Perci-- Simone Recasner Nate—a young, 90s Joaquim Phoenix Mimi—Jean Smart or maybe Kathy Bates Phee-- Mia Rose Frampton Bobbie Jo/Roberta—Holly Hunter

If you didn’t write, what would you do?
I was a middle school English teacher for several years before I stayed home with my children. There are four of them, ages 9-16, so I’m outnumbered, and they keep me busy. Right before I found out I was pregnant with the first one, I had been accepted into a library science program so I probably would be a librarian if things has gone differently.

If you could spend a day with another popular author, whom would you choose?
Oh, great question. I have a teeny, tiny author crush on Kristan Higgins. I’ve met her in person and she’s very nice. Which was a great because I was super awkward and overwhelmed. It would be nice to sit down and pick her brain and not be an anxious ball of nerves.

How did you celebrate when you finished your book?
After writing “the end” on the first draft, I probably messaged my critique partner and then made myself close the document and walk away from it for a while. Honestly, I also probably made dinner and did some laundry. It’s a glamorous life.

What is your favorite childhood book?
When I was pretty small, I loved The Monster at the End of this Book. I also loved the story of Cinderella.

What is the most difficult part of your artistic process?
I’m not one of those writers who gets all this frantic energy when it comes to writing. A lot of them, getting the words out can be downright painful. I think finishing the first draft can often be the most difficult part. I’m not a plotter so sometimes I get myself in trouble when I’m writing. Which also means I have to get myself out of trouble.

Do you have a message for your readers?
Hope is a such an important part of my life and I want that to come through in my stories. I think that’s why I’ve always been drawn to romance. Ultimately, a romance is a story of hope. Hope isn’t perfect or easy and sometimes it doesn’t make any sense. But it’s so powerful. I hope it comes through in what I write.

Here are the links with all the ways you can connect with her on social media and the amazon link to buy her book!

Thank you so much for this awesome interview, it was really nice getting to know the woman behind the book.
